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Desiree (1 like)
Marijke (1 like)
O how I love this story! It's excellent. And the text and the voices are fantastic. I have laughed out loud watching this. Wonderful! You have used your drawing skills really well. Smart giving each character something different on top of their head. Great job, team Pocketfull!
Duane (1 like)
I love the real world versus television cartoon world plot. It's a never ending conflict since science gave us television. Seems young creators would rather be on Tik Tok, or be Influencers than to explore and influence the real world. Very compelling story as the Metaverse moves into slot 1.
Jordan (1 like)
I love the voicework you guys did, it was very adorable and the dialogue was very funny. I'm a sucker for stories where characters are transported into another world kinda like a alice in wonderland scenerio. The main character seems to be reminiscent of Mike TV from Willy Wonka who was obsessed with TV, which I thought was a good choice for the story. I think something that could be made stronger is the designs of the human characters could differ slightly from the cartoon. Also I was a bit unclear about the power that the remote has, is it able to pause the tv and fast forward and rewind the show? Kinda like the remote from the Adam Sandler movie Click, that could be used as a useful weapon for the journey. Either way I love the story!
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